God is the Author of my life's story, and I'm excited to see what He has in store as each new chapter unfolds. I don't yet know the ending, but I trust that it will be better than I ever imagined! I invite you to read along...



Avocado Love

Growing up in Portland, Oregon, with parents who possessed decidedly bland, predictable tastes in food, I was not exposed to avocados. Not once. The only thing I knew about them was that they were the main ingredient in guacamole, which I never tasted because my mom thought it was gross; I just assumed I wouldn't like it, either. (Note to moms out there: if there's some good-for-you food that you don't happen to enjoy, you should still buy or make it for your kids to try. They might like it, and it doesn't mean you have to eat it yourself!)

Anyway, after moving to California eight years ago, I suddenly discovered this wonderful little fruit! Now, I eat avocado almost daily.

Fun Avocado Facts (courtesy of www.avocado.org):

*Avocados were once a luxury food reserved for the tables of royalty.

*California produces about 90% of the nation's avocado crop. San Diego County is the Avocado Capital of the U.S., producing 60% of all the avocados grown in California.

*The avocado's smooth, creamy consistency makes it one of the first fresh fruits a baby can enjoy. Sodium- and cholesterol- free, avocados contain valuable nutrients including 8% of the recommended Daily Value (DV) for folate; 4% DV for fiber and potassium, 4% DV for vitamin E; and 2% DV for iron. A serving of avocado also contains 81 micrograms of the carotenoid lutein and 19 micrograms of beta-carotene. Per serving, avocados have 3.5 grams of unsaturated fats, which are known to be important for normal growth and development of the central nervous system and brain.

Some of my favorite ways to eat avocado:

*In a sandwich, mashed up and spread on the bread.

*Mashed up and mixed with fresh salsa (basically homemade guacamole) and served with chips.

*Cut into small pieces in a salad.

*Sliced and mixed with sliced tomato, with a sprinkling of sea salt on top, as a side dish to almost any entree.

If you haven't caught the avocado train yet, hop aboard! You'll be glad you did!


Anonymous said...

Hey Sarah,

I love avocado on toast. Some people like peanut butter, regular butter, marshmellow creme, chocolate creme, or cinnamon on their toast, but for me...avocado tastes the best. Mmmm...now I gotta go buy some guacamole! ;)


~Colleen H.

Anna H. said...

I hear ya, sister! Ben eats avacado almost daily, and I find myself not eating as much, because I want to save it for him, and now for Aaron too. But, I do like it, and I know that I need it too! I had some on my quesadillas today! :-)

Karl said...

You should see the size of avocados here. They are HUGE; it would take three or four of your California avocados to make one of them.

I love guacamole, but not much of a fan of the avocado other than that. My mother-in-law makes an avocado smoothie, which is... interesting.

Amy T. S. said...


Melissa said...

Mmm...avocado. I love them, but don't buy them often enough. I forget all the ways to use them, thanks for the tips! Have a great day! Thanks for all your comments too!

Gioietta said...

Avocado lover here too! Just wish they weren't so expensive :) They are great in sald and of course, the ever tasty guacamole (I usually just add salsa and some lime or lemon juice for a quick mix)
Hugs, Miriam (HP)

Anonymous said...

How are you doing now, Sarah? I miss your posts!


~Colleen XOXO

P.S. Sorry I haven't written back to you about my Greece & Turkey trip yet...life is hectically busy. You know...time flies whether you're having fun or not!