God is the Author of my life's story, and I'm excited to see what He has in store as each new chapter unfolds. I don't yet know the ending, but I trust that it will be better than I ever imagined! I invite you to read along...



I'm in lush, green Oregon!

I drove to Oregon yesterday, to visit my sister for a week...the drive was about exactly 11 hours, and I was listening to a 1960s radio dramatization of The Lord of the Rings trilogy (on CD) the whole way...as I pulled up in front of my sister's house, I was almost through the end of Return of the King! It made the drive go quickly for me, which I'm grateful for!

So I get to hang out with my nephew Ben for a while...he's walking now! That is a new thing since I saw him last. He'll be a year old on June 24th. He's quite the little cutie pie, as I think you'll agree:

I'm loving the new town my sister and her husband moved to a few months ago...it's a small town, and closer to the coast, so there are LOTS of trees...and the air smells fresh, like being at a camp! I'd love to smell that every day!

Anyway...I'm happy to be here...I really miss hanging out with my sister. I'm glad for times like this when we get the opportunity to be together!


Anonymous said...

Hey Sarah!

It's so cool you're in Oregon now! I can't wait to see you on Saturday at the Multnomah tour reunion!!!! I'm SUPER excited! But then again, disappointed that Josh and the boys won't be there. :-( Oh well! I can still have bundles of fun with you and Andrew and Glenn and everyone else! And I'm really really nervous about my bat mitzvah/right-of-passage thingie that I'm doing there. I'll be reading some Hebrew and translating, and then reciting some Greek and translating, as well as saying a written prayer I've come up with ahead of time (I still have to do that!) and maybe even have a worship song (by the guy who was in charge of our Sea of Galilee boat-ride and sang those worship songs in Hebrew and English). Ah!! I'm flustered and nervous!!! But I think it'll be fine. And we'll video tape it. I just think it's really cool that the same people who witnessed by baptism in the Jordan River get to see my bat mitzvah/right-of-passage!!

Anyway, see you and Andrew on Saturday!!!!

Lots of love,


PS Thanks SO MUCH for the letter you sent me in the mail (Snail mail)!!!! I've been meaning to get back to you, but there really hasn't been a chance. But I promise I'll write back soon! And the card was really sweet! By the way, your handwriting is really pretty! :-) Thanks again so much!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oops--I said "...who witnessed by baptism..." when I meant to say "...who witnessed my baptism..." Oh well! I'm just kind of persnickity about my spelling/writing, you know! Oh bother, how do you spell "persnickity"?!? :-) Lol!


Anonymous said...

Yeah!! I checked in here to see if you arrived safely...so thankful you have! Thanks God :)

Yes, that little Ben is an absolute Cutie Pie!!

Enjoy every minute, and breath deeply for me

love you!
ali xx

Sarah said...

Hi, Colleen! So nice to see you commenting here again! And it was great to see you on Saturday, too. Thanks for letting us share in your "rite of passage" -- very special!

Yes, I am particular about my spelling too, and that's one of my issues with the comments on Blogger...you can't edit them! ;-)

I look forward to our "old-fashioned" correspondence!

Sarah said...

Hi, Ali! Thanks for checking in...I pray you are having a good visit with your mom so far!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah:
I finally have time and opportunity to actually check out your blog and low and behold I find a wonderful picture of all of you. So great to see everyone looking so good. I just got married to Jeff on July 15 and we spent a week in cancun, Mexico. I would love to send a note in email, but not sure if I have the correct one. Here is mine groovyteacher40@msn.com I re-read your last newsletter from around Christmas time and God grabbed hold of me and told me to write. It has been far too long. Your website is awesome! love, Aunt Debbie in Oregon