God is the Author of my life's story, and I'm excited to see what He has in store as each new chapter unfolds. I don't yet know the ending, but I trust that it will be better than I ever imagined! I invite you to read along...




Main Entry: on·o·mato·poe·ia
Pronunciation: "ä-nuh-"mä-tuh-'pE-uh"
Function: noun
Etymology: Late Latin, from Greek onomatopoiia

1 : the naming of a thing or action by a vocal imitation of the sound associated with it (as buzz, hiss)

2 : the use of words whose sound suggests the sense

I love onomatopoeic words -- they add zest to a language! When writing, especially writing for children, you want to use lots of these types of words. I've listed some of my favorites below...leave me a comment with some of yours!

These are words that beg to be said aloud, with feeling -- go ahead, give it a try (you might want to wait until you're alone, otherwise you might get some funny looks)!











Thanks for indulging the ramblings of a language lover!


Anna H. said...

Sarah, it's so sad that nobody's commented on your onomatopoeias. I like them! :-) I don't know that I neccesarily have favorites of my own, but, um, lately I've been reading a book to Ben full of them by Dr. Suess, called "Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You?". :-)

Sarah said...

Aw, thanks for the onomatopoeia love, sis! ;-)

Jenn said...

"SIGH"... is that one?

Sarah said...

Jenn, that's definitely one!

Anonymous said...

How about "CRASH...BOOM...OWWWW...Colleen just about killed herself AGAIN"? :) The other day, I just completely smashed my right knee into a wall (on accident, of course!) and now it's a huge welt/bump thing turning "pretty" colors (note my sarcasm). Ouch! I am such a klutz. Seriously. I am. Ever notice me running into things on the Israel trip? Yeah. I did that a lot. Heh heh. :) It's kind of amusing, but also painful! I wish I could be more careful!! :)

Colleen <3

Sarah said...

LOL, Colleen! I'm always finding bruises on my legs, and I'm like, "How did THAT get there?" -- because I don't remember running into anything!

Wrye Family said...

I love these too! My mom is a language lover and so is my friend Sheila. I am not that great in English sometimes, I am afraid. Can I add some in Italian?
FRUSCIO-- Rustle, rustling
GORGOGLIARE-- Gurgle, gargle
SUSSURRARE-- Whisper, murmur (MORMORARE)
Come to think about, the Italian onomatopie translate like that in English too.

Suzanne said...

We use them all the time in Club Jr. And weird ones, too. Like KA-RUMP, KA-RUMP for climbing stairs. :)

Unknown said...

QUESTION: What sound does a page make when it's turning?