God is the Author of my life's story, and I'm excited to see what He has in store as each new chapter unfolds. I don't yet know the ending, but I trust that it will be better than I ever imagined! I invite you to read along...



Do we take it for granted?

"If an earthly king, our emperor, wrote you a letter, would you not read it with joy? Certainly, with great rejoicing and careful attention. You have been sent a letter, not by an earthly emperor, but by the King of Heaven. And yet you almost despise such a gift, so priceless a treasure."

~Tikhon of Zadonsk, writing in 18th century Russia

Lord, forgive me for not always treasuring Your Word, for letting it get too familiar, and for being more excited about reading the newest book I've purchased than reading what You have written for me...may I never, by actions of indifference, despise such a priceless treasure...


Anna H. said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks for this reminder...awesome quote, and I second the amen to your prayer.

love ali xx