God is the Author of my life's story, and I'm excited to see what He has in store as each new chapter unfolds. I don't yet know the ending, but I trust that it will be better than I ever imagined! I invite you to read along...



I wish I were a better blogger!

I read so many different blogs with witty, insightful entries. I'm a writer...I should be able to do the same! I don't work very hard at my writing, though. It's a gift that needs cultivating...too often I let it stagnate. I lack the motivation I need to really write... not just put words on a page to convey information, but use words as tools to create something new, something beautiful.

Maybe that's part of the problem...wanting to write something new, but feeling like anything that I could say has already been said, and probably much better, by others before me. It often feels like, what's the point? What do I have to say, or write, that hasn't already been said or written a million times before?

But if God has given me this gift, as I believe He has, He obviously intends for me to use it -- in a way that glorifies Him. So although I won't promise it will happen overnight, expect to see different kinds of blog entries here in the future. More of a variety...not just pictures and vacation notes (although those things have their place, too).

What better place than a blog to experiment with words?


Suzanne said...

I have experienced these same feelings! I heard a great explanation of writing that has stuck with me. Think about each piece you write as a unique intersection of stories. Your story interacts with the story of the person or event you're writing about which interacts with God's bigger story! When you think of it that way, only you can write the stories God has given you to tell. This has changed my whole perspective.

Sarah said...

Thanks, Suzanne! That's great advice. I don't know how you do it...you're always writing great blog entries, articles, etc. -- what do you do when you get writer's block (sometimes I feel I have a terminal case of it)?

Suzanne said...

I write about something silly...like going to Borders and looking at stationery. :) It's true. When I have writer's block, I write about something completely different. Also, you start to get into a habit of observation wherever you are...I watch people or listen to their stories and think, "I could write about that."

Sarah said...

Thanks...I guess it just boils down to being more intentional about it. I'm going to make that a goal for the rest of the year...to be a more intentional writer! You are a great example for me!