God is the Author of my life's story, and I'm excited to see what He has in store as each new chapter unfolds. I don't yet know the ending, but I trust that it will be better than I ever imagined! I invite you to read along...



Board Games

I'm sitting here feeling a little sad, and do you know what triggered it? Putting a dishtowel away in the linen closet and seeing our shelf full of board games.

In my family growing up, we'd often play board games together in the evenings. Whether it was Life, Boggle, Uno, or Scattergories, we passed many hours together laughing and competing and just enjoying each other's company. Likewise, at family gatherings like birthday parties or on holidays, we'd play Pictionary with our aunts and uncles, or I'd play Battleship with my cousins. It's just what we did in our family, and it brings back a lot of good memories for me.

Hence the shelf full of board games in my linen closet. The sad part? I have nobody to play them with now that we live so far away from my family. Andrew's family just isn't big on board games...they'll play them occasionally, but family get-togethers with the Romanovs mostly consist of eating and talking. Not that there's anything wrong with that; it's just different than what I grew up with. It's a different type of family dynamic.

So I sit here tonight, missing the way my sister and I could beat almost anyone if we were teamed together in a game that required getting your teammate to guess what you were drawing or acting out (it's that sisterly brain-connection thing). I miss trying to get more words than my Mom when we'd play Boggle together. I miss sitting around the kitchen table with my family, snacks on hand, and just getting into a good game together.

I think, though, that what I really miss is not the actual playing of the games, but the closeness and the togetherness that playing board games together fostered. It kind of makes me sad that we all live so far away from each other now. My board games sit collecting dust on a shelf -- colorful, boxed reminders of a chapter in my life that will never come again.

Wanna play a game, anyone?


Anna H. said...

Yes!! I would love to play a game with you, Sarah!!! Your blog entry almost brought tears to my eyes, because it made me miss those times too. What special memories!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh, Sarah, I would LOVE to play games with you! If only I were in Sacramento too! I hope that you are able to play board games with someone, and that you won't be lonely or sad, because if you're sad, I'm sad! :-) You're special to me, so don't be sad!!

Love ya,


Sarah said...

Thanks, girls! I feel the love! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah,
I saw your blog tonight, and I know how you feel! Togetherness and fun with good people is far too lacking in most of our lives today, it seems.
Here's a possible alternative, if you like chess. You can register free and play via email. You may challenge existing registered members, accept (or reject) challenges from others, or invite people you know to join and play with you. Here's the URL:
Here's to less loneliness!
Love and blessings, :-)
~Lynn (Colleen's mom)

Sarah said...

Thanks for the tip, Lynn! I'm sorry to say, however, that I'm not big on chess; or any strategy games for that matter! I love word games, and games that involve creativity!

We do have a few friends around here that enjoy playing games...it's just making the time to get together with them that's the issue!

Anonymous said...

Sarah, thanks for visiting my blog and for commenting. My family isn't a game family, we mainly sit around and talk. My husband's family plays games a lot more, and it's fun, but I kind of have to get used to it.

Jenn said...

Sometimes I can get George to play Scrabble or Scategories with me. Maybe you can convince Andrew to play one of those two player games with you.

Anonymous said...

I want to play games too! Maybe the next time you and Andrew are in town we can all get together and visit and play games! That would be so fun.
I remember when you used to baby sit me and we would dress up and play sharades and you would make mac n' cheese! Good old days! Oh to be a kid again!
(I really really like to use the !!! can you tell?!!)
Love, Karah

Sarah said...

Danielle - Thanks for visiting MY blog and commenting! :-)

Jenn - Andrew's not opposed to playing games, he just has so much on his plate that he doesn't really have time for it very often! But we do like to play games together every now and then.

Karah - Yes, I remember! Those were fun times...I'm sure there will be LOTS of game playing at the retreat! ;-)