God is the Author of my life's story, and I'm excited to see what He has in store as each new chapter unfolds. I don't yet know the ending, but I trust that it will be better than I ever imagined! I invite you to read along...



I love life!

I'm so thankful to the Lord for the gift of life! How wonderful to be able to enjoy this world that He's created, and to have fellowship with sisters and brothers in Christ. I have so much to be grateful for, and I am! Here's just a sampling of all the reasons I have to smile each day. I have...

...the privilege of being God's daughter, of having my sins forgiven and the assurance of a home in Heaven, where I'll be with Him forever!

...an amazing gift of a husband -- Andrew and I have been blessed with a loving, serene relationship. We get along so well...I can't imagine my life without him! I am so grateful for the lack of stress and tension in our home!

...two of the most beautiful cats on the planet, who provide lots of snuggles and opportunities for amusement!

...the chance to own lots of books and have my own mini-library. For a bibliophile like me, that's a definite reason to smile!

...all of my basic needs (food, clothing, shelter) more than amply provided for. Thank you, God!

...opportunities to serve God and others using the gifts and talents He's given me. There's nothing more satisfying than doing something productive that you know will bring God glory!

...the privilege of living in a world where such things as flowers, trees, oceans, and sunsets exist.

...the ability to laugh and have fun with family and friends.

You know, I could go on and on... What makes me smile the most, though, is knowing that God is in control of my life, that everything that happens is part of His perfect plan to make me more like Jesus, and that He makes no mistakes. His will for me is perfect, and who can argue with perfection?

God is so awesome! I don't even care if I come across as too positive, or like I have my head in the clouds...I know evil exists in the world, and that life isn't without its problems, but these things are merely passing shadows. I choose to set my mind on things above (Colossians 3:1-3; Philippians 4:8)!

May your love for life and your joy in living it be ever increasing! :-)

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