God is the Author of my life's story, and I'm excited to see what He has in store as each new chapter unfolds. I don't yet know the ending, but I trust that it will be better than I ever imagined! I invite you to read along...



Missing Anna...

No, my sister Anna isn't missing. But I'm missing her.

With Anna, I can just be me. I can be goofy and silly, or serious and deep. We share inside jokes, reminisce about the same songs and TV shows, and often find that we say something at the same time or are making the same gesture at the same time. It's sometimes eerie! I miss being able to call her and say, "Hey, want to go see a movie or come over for lunch?" Because she lives 10 hours away by car, and that would be impractical. I love being her big sis, but I also love being her friend. Seeing her a couple of times a year is just not enough. I was spoiled this summer by getting to spend five weeks with her when she gave birth to my nephew, Benjamin. We knew that an opportunity like that would probably never come again, so we treasured the time together.

In my opinion, sisters were never meant to live far apart -- we're supposed to share each other's lives. So we do our best with the resources technology has given us (e-mail and phone calls). But it's often not enough. I miss my sister. A lot.


Anna H. said...

Awwwww....how sweet! :-) I miss you too, Sarah! I can't wait to see you in November -- and I hope it works out to see you this month! Thanks for everything!!!! I love you, my big sis.

Suzanne said...

I definitely know the feeling of missing a sister. No other relationship is quite the same.